
The Good, The Bad & The Ugly - Gems, Crystals, Jewelry and Pendulums Attract and Absorb Energy

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly - Gems, Crystals, ...

Suggested Methods for Cleansing Crystals, Gems, Jewelry, and Pendulums: Your gems, crystals, jewelry, pendulums, basically anything around you, or on you, can attract positive and negative energy and hold that...

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly - Gems, Crystals, ...

Suggested Methods for Cleansing Crystals, Gems, Jewelry, and Pendulums: Your gems, crystals, jewelry, pendulums, basically anything around you, or on you, can attract positive and negative energy and hold that...

Smudging with White Sage

Smudging with White Sage

Smudging with White Sage What is Smudging? Smudging is the common name given to a powerful cleansing technique from the Native North American Tradition. Smudging calls on the spirits of...

Smudging with White Sage

Smudging with White Sage What is Smudging? Smudging is the common name given to a powerful cleansing technique from the Native North American Tradition. Smudging calls on the spirits of...